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Last Updated: 21-04-23

21.3 IATA Airline Retailing Maturity Certification

VS NDC Connect

Virgin Atlantic is now certified for a variety of new capability under the IATA Airline Retailing Maturity Index by utilising 21.3 NDC schema capability. IATA has equipped the industry with the Airline Retailing Maturity (ARM) index, which provides airlines and their partners with better visibility of their own and other organisations’ retailing maturity.

A full list of certified capability can be found here .

Here are some key registered capabilities: 

  1. Shop for Flights
  2. Multi City/Open Jaw Itineraries
  3. Returns Flights Operated by Other Airlines
  4. Use of Airline Taxonomy
  5. Seat Map and Availability
  6. Seat Map and Price Points
  7. Offer Conditions and Restrictions
  8. Create Order Without Payment
  9. Order Creation With Instant Payment
  10. Seller-Initiated Change to an Order Requiring a Reshop
  11. Order Information Upon Request
  12. Pay Using Customer Card
  13. Pay for an Existing Unpaid Order or Order Items
  14. Seller Authenticates Payer (3D-Secure v2)
  15. Sandbox/Testing Environment
  16. Online Bug Tracking Platform
  17. Onboarding
  18. Online Documentation
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